Sound System Design in Concert Halls

Stage technology is a broad issue that consists of many elements: sound system, stage lighting, stage mechanics, and the use of various multimedia techniques. Our services include designing and implementing multimedia systems for concert halls, theaters, and performance venues. Our partnership with the American company BOSE allows us to provide modern and high-quality sound systems for multipurpose halls and concert venues with uniform acoustic coverage through their ShowMatch and ArenaMatch series products. We work with stage lighting, mechanics, and supporting structure constructors to provide complete project implementation, including the conceptual stage, project execution, system installation, and sound system setup and tuning.


Selection of proper technical solution. 

The atmosphere is created by a stage, whether it's small in music clubs or restaurants or large in theaters, cultural centers, or auditorium halls. Proper systems are required to manage lighting, sound, and stage decorations in any such space. It's important to consider both the interior's aesthetics and functionality. Among other things, we offer matching systems of stage mechanics with banners, lighting bridges, and lighting systems for stage and theatre. Furthermore, we handle sound systems that include stage monitors, microphone techniques, stage accessories, and multimedia presentation systems that utilize high-end projectors and large-format expandable screens. Our sub-construction system is specifically selected to ensure the safe installation of multi-ton loads of designed systems. We aid in the completion of everything with a single integrated project. We invite architects, design offices, investors, and integrators of audiovisual systems to collaborate with us.

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